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PNF Musicians Grant Program

The PNF Musicians Grant Program is a first-of-its-kind program dedicated to providing direct assistance for musicians and bands to reach artistic goals and further develop their talents.

All artists struggle to find the time and money to pursue their work. Musicians are no exception to this, facing high costs for instruments and equipment as well as access to quality recording and rehearsal resources and facilities. The Bay Area economy, regardless of its ups and downs, makes living and creating here even more of a challenge.

Musicians that work in most forms of popular music have not traditionally had access to the same funding as have their peers in other arts such as dance, theater, visual arts, or traditional music. PNF aims to incubate promising talent in a diverse array of music styles.

The following categories of services will be awarded:

  • Recording Studio Time
  • Rehearsal Studio Time
  • CD/Media Duplication and Manufacturing
  • Graphic Design and Production
  • Promotion and Publicity
  • Tour Support

Grants will be awarded to artists that demonstrate promising talent, commitment, and financial need, and are intended to fund a specific need or project.

A diverse selection committee of leaders from local music communities and businesses will review the submissions and select the recipients.

To request more information or volunteer to donate services to the program, please email us at grants@popularnoise.org. Only Bay Area residents are eligible to receive grants.


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